Angela Lee

Nutrition & Health Coaching Co-ordinator

Angela Lee is the course coordinator for the Nutrition and Health Coaching programme at IINH. Prior to becoming the program co-ordinator, Angela spent several years as an assessor and mentor with IINH. 

Angela qualified in Nutrition and Health Coaching in 2017 and went on to become a Nutritional Therapist and graduated in 2020. Angela takes a special interest in gut health and completed The Art of Digestive Wellness through the Innovative Healing Academy under Liz Lipsky in 2021. 

Angela started off in the motor industry after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in business and worked in that area for 12 years. Her career change came about when her first child had low iron, and she experienced firsthand how changing the food we eat and how we eat it, can increase physical, mental and emotional well-being. 

Angela Lee
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