A Whirlwind Few Weeks At The International Institute of Nutrition & Health

IINH Team At Association & Institute Awards

It’s been a whirlwind few weeks for IINH, marked by a series of significant events and achievements. From Maggie Lynch’s inspiring demo at WellFest to Richard Burton’s prestigious award at the Association & Institute Awards, and our exhibition at the IPM Congress, as well as live cooking days and graduations – it’s been all hands on deck.

Maggie Lynch Shines at WellFest

Kicking off in May, our very own Maggie Lynch’s outstanding demonstration at WellFest, Ireland’s largest health, fitness, and wellness festival. Maggie took to the stage to demonstrate some of her favourite recipes to fuel performance. On the day she made vibrant spinach guacamole topped with feta, olive, and pomegranate crumble; Baked wholemeal pita crisps, and  Supercharged energy balls.

She was joined on stage by Richard Burton who answered any nutrition and health related questions that the crowd had while Maggie was preparing the dishes for them to taste at the end of the demo. 

Maggie and Richard had a wonderful day at WellFest, connecting with so many like-minded individuals. 

Maggie Lynch at WellFest

Celebrating Richard Burton’s Award at the Association & Institute Awards

The Association and Institutes Awards recently celebrated remarkable achievements in various sectors. Among the notable recognitions were the nominations and wins for the International Institute of Nutrition & Health (IINH) and their founder and CEO, Richard Burton. These awards, hosted annually, aim to honour exceptional leadership, innovation, and contributions from institutes, associations and professional bodies across Ireland.

IINH’s Nomination For “Best Institute of the Year”

IINH was nominated for the prestigious “Best Institute of the Year” award. This nomination highlights the institute’s dedication to advancing education and professional development in the field of nutrition and health. 

Richard Burton Wins “Outstanding Contribution Award”

In a notable individual achievement, Richard Burton was awarded the “Outstanding Contribution Award.” This accolade is a testament to his extensive and impactful work within the field of nutrition & health, recognising his dedication and the positive changes he has driven. 

Richard’s achievement not only brings pride to IINH but also emphasises the importance of recognising and celebrating leaders in the nutrition and health field. The award ceremony, held in Dublin, was a momentous occasion, filled with joy and a sense of accomplishment for the whole team at IINH.

More details about the awards and winners can be found on the Association & Institute Awards website.

Richard Burton Giving Acceptance Speech At The Association & Institute Awards

IINH Exhibit at the IPM Congress

In June, IINH exhibited at the IPM Congress, a leading international event for professionals in the health and nutrition sector. The congress provided an excellent platform for us to showcase our courses and to connect with other professionals, exchange ideas, and stay updated on the latest trends and advancements in the industry.

Our booth attracted significant attention, with many attendees expressing interest in our innovative approaches and comprehensive programmes. The IPM Congress reaffirmed our commitment to advancing the field of health and nutrition through continuous learning and collaboration.

To learn more about the IPM Congress, visit their official website.

IINH Team at the IPM Congress

Live Cooking Demos For Our Nutrition & Health Coaching Students

Maggie and Richard welcomed our Nutrition & Health Coaching students for a live cooking day in the Taste Health Kitchen. Maggie and her team demonstrated a dozen or more delicious dishes from scratch. Students were provided with a wonderful buffet spread at the end. On the day, students also received a pack including recipes, tips on products, plus other practical materials for their own use and to offer future clients.

These days in the kitchen are always a highlight of the course. The kitchen was bubbling with laughter on the day. It will be a live cooking day that will stay with Maggie for some time. Thank you to those who attended and made the day so special.

Plating Up Food in Cookery School

Nutritional Therapy Graduation

Congratulations again to our recent Nutritional Therapy graduates!

We were delighted to be able to celebrate fantastic achievement in-person. It’s been such a pleasure getting to know such a wonderful group of students! We look forward to seeing what they all do with their new qualifications and to continuing to support them on their journeys.

A special thank you to Maggie, for providing delicious food & wine for everyone to enjoy on the evening.

IINH Nutritional Therapy Graduates 2024

As we reflect on this busy and rewarding time, we are filled with gratitude and pride. Each event and achievement has reinforced our mission to promote health and nutrition. This period has highlighted the incredible talents and dedication of our team.

The IINH team wish to extend our heartfelt congratulations to Maggie and Richard for their outstanding contributions and achievements. We would also like thank everyone who supported and engaged with us at the IPM Congress.

Looking ahead, we are excited to build on these successes and continue our journey towards fostering a healthier, more informed community. Stay tuned for more updates and insights as we strive to make a positive impact in the world of health and nutrition.


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