Certificate in Nutrition & Healthy Living
Put your health first! Certificate in Nutrition & Healthy Living
The Certificate in Nutrition & Healthy Living has been designed for anyone passionate to begin exploring the life-changing power of becoming their own personal nutritionist!
Recent years have seen remarkable progress in understanding how chronic illness is linked to what and how we eat. Conditions that were rare just a few generations ago, such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease, are now common causes of suffering, disability and early death – and undeniably driven largely by poor diet. The more we learn how eating habits can boost wellness or drive disease, the more urgent it becomes to examine and adjust our food choices so we can safeguard and strengthen our health and that of our loved ones.
In the course Richard and IINH tutors Ciara and Petra will cover key fundamentals of the role of nutrition in health and disease, and provide practical tips for making smarter choices around what and how to eat for robust good health.
Nutrition & Health Coaching
Once this course is completed you may be inspired to help others towards better health by training to become a Nutrition and Health Coach (BTEC Diploma in Professional Nutrition & Health Coaching ). This is supported by a generous special offer: the fee for this Certificate in Healthy Living will be deducted from the full BTEC Diploma fee*
*discount does not apply to BTEC Diploma Early Bird prices.

How is the Certificate in Nutrition & Healthy Living presented?
The course material is presented on our platform, Brightspace. You will have access to the content for 6 months.
The content is available to read at your leisure in bite-size chunks on Brightspace, while also accompanied by podcasts to listen to while out for a walk or cooking meals!
You can download the content in comprehensive PDFs to keep, as well as extra supporting handouts which we provide to support your wellness journey!
Need more information? Speak with our admissions team, with no obligation, by clicking the links below.
Irish Admissions Team
Next Course: Available Now
Course length and cost:
The Certificate in Nutrition & Healthy Living course material is presented on our platform, Brightspace. You will have access to the content for 6 months.
Cost: €949
Delivery is fully online
What you will get:
- Access to course for 6 months
- Discussion forum (monitored on weekly basis)
- Live Q & A webinar with Richard Burton and Ciara Beaugé
- All content in comprehensive downloadable handouts to keep
- Podcasts to accompany the content
- Taste Health Kitchen recipe eBook
- Handouts: IINH Food Plate, Food Elimination handout
Note: All live sessions will be recorded for revision and for those unable to join. Recordings are not downloadable.
IINH Certificate of Completion.
Enrol Now
Payment in full: €949
Instalment option: €1050 total (€525 x 2)
Payment in full: £820
Instalment option:£900 total (£450 x 2)
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On the course, you will learn…
- Which animal and plant foods provide a rich source of protein.
- Daily requirements of protein for the general population and the amount of protein provided by some common foods.
- General functions of protein and some more specific functions.
- Practical ways to include adequate protein in meals and snacks
- What different carbohydrates (carbs) are, and which foods are high in carbs
- How most carbohydrates end up as glucose and the main function of glucose.
- Differing requirements for carbs for the general population and for low carb dietary approaches.
- Difference between good quality, wholesome carb foods vs simple refined carbohydrate foods: ‘quality over quantity’.
- Practical ways to include healthful carbohydrate foods in meals and snacks.
Fats & Oils
- Best sources of unrefined fats and oils and how they are classified
- Best oils to use for cooking, best to use cold as dressings – and best avoided!
- Functions of fat
- Daily fat requirements recommended for the general population and for those following a low carb or ketogenic style diet.
- Two main essential fatty acids, their sources and benefits
- Why there is an imbalance in omega 3 & omega 6 essential fats in the modern diet, and the health impacts of this
- Practical hints and tips to ensure you, your family (and clients), are getting a balance of healthful fats
- Why vitamins are ‘vital’ and how we measure them
- How vitamin bioavailability can vary depending on several factors
- Difference between water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins
- Concept of biochemical individuality
- Key functions of each water-soluble vitamin
- Common signs of sub optimal water-soluble vitamin deficiency
- Main food sources of the water-soluble vitamins
- Factors that may affect the availability or absorption of water-soluble vitamins
- You will learn some ways that water-soluble vitamins can be used therapeutically
- Some key functions of fat-soluble vitamins
- Common signs of insufficient intakes of fat-soluble vitamins
- Most important food sources of fat-soluble vitamins
- Cautions about supplementing with fat-soluble vitamins
- Some ways fat-soluble vitamins can be used therapeutically.
Minerals (introduction, macro-minerals, microminerals)
- How foods can be depleted in minerals before they reach our plate
- How making smarter choices of certain foods will naturally include more minerals in your diet
- Two categories of essential minerals, with examples of each
- Different forms of minerals that occur in foods and supplements (organic, inorganic and colloid) and the best forms to look for in supplements.
- Key functions of calcium, magnesium and sodium
- Superior forms of calcium, magnesium and sodium to supplement with
- Natural food sources of calcium, magnesium and sodium
- Recognise some sub-optimum or deficiency signs of magnesium and sodium
- Multiple factors required to support bone health
- Functions of iodine, iron, selenium and zinc
- Natural food sources of iodine, iron, selenium and zinc
- Better supplement forms available if taking iodine, iron or zinc
- Signs indicating deficiency of iodine, iron, selenium and zinc
- Precautions to take when supplementing with iodine, iron, selenium and zinc
- Potential impact of goitrogens in foods on iodine and how to counteract them
- The variable absorption of iron and those who may have higher demand need
- Impact of excess amounts of iodine, iron (also about hemochromatosis), selenium and zinc.
- What is meant by ‘unprocessed’ and ‘ultra-processed’ foods
- NOVA ultra-processed foods categories and what they mean
- Why it’s best to avoid ultra-processed products
- How to recognise an ultra-processed product from the ingredient label
- Foods included in an unprocessed diet
- ‘Foods’ and ingredients best to avoid
- How poor diet undermines metabolic health and drives illness, e.g. diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cognitive decline
- Blood glucose levels and what they mean
- Fast-releasing vs slow-releasing carb foods and sugar; role of insulin
- Insulin resistance – its central role in metabolic health and weight management
- How high blood glucose and the blood sugar ‘roller-coaster’ impact health
- Maintaining healthy blood sugar levels with suitable dietary and eating habits
- How a wholefoods-based Mediterranean diet can support health
- How to make smarter choices around carbs and combine foods for a more balanced meal plate
- Plate portion sizes to help manage weight and promote good health
- Organic foods – what they are and why important; key organic foods to prioritise
Preconception, pregnancy
- How diet and lifestyle impact health of both partners prior to conceiving
- Factors that can affect the health of sperm and egg
- Toxins in the environment
- Practical tips to support a healthy pregnancy
- Crucial importance of good nutrition for supporting brain growth
Infants and young children
- Benefits of breastfeeding
- What to consider when weaning
- Importance of nutrition and exercise for the growing child
- How our current culture and environment favours obesity
- Practical ways to encourage children to eat better
- How diet and eating habits can strengthen or weaken the immune system and overall health
- Impact of shift work on health and how best to support irregular routines
- How diet and lifestyle can prevent or improve common chronic diseases of adulthood and senior years, e.g. autoimmune conditions, diabetes, dementia
- How to support good nutrition and other healthy behaviours in older people.
- Different detoxification pathways in the body
- What issues can arise in these detoxification pathways signaling a need for support
- Why detox processes can be differing lengths of time for each individual
- Which foods are important to include in a detox and why
- Foods to avoid during a detox and why.
- When a Food & Symptom Diary can be beneficial for an individual to track their day to day diet & how they feel.
- Environmental & lifestyle factors that can impact our detoxification pathways
- Practical ways to support a detox with gentle lifestyle adjustments.
On your journey through the gastrointestinal tract you will learn about..
Digestion & Absorption
- The organs directly involved in the digestive activities within the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
- The accessory organs that contribute to digestion and absorption processes
- What happens to food at each stage
- The role of the accessory organs play and their secretions
- The role of hydrochloric acid
Benefits of the Microbiome
- Gut microflora and how they keep us healthy
- Factors that can harm or support microbiome health
- How to Nourish the microbiome with Diet
- Practical ways to nourish the microbiome with suitable foods
- Practical ways to nourish the microbiome through smart lifestyle choices
Cephalic Digestion and The impact of Stress
- Cephalic digestion and how to support it
- The impact of stress on digestive function
Optimising digestive health through food
- How to optimise digestion through food
- About ‘Leaky Gut Syndrome’ and ways to support the gastrointestinal lining
- How does classic allergy differ from food sensitivity or intolerance?
- Digestive and other signs & symptoms possibly caused by food sensitivities
- Strengths and weaknesses of common tests to determine sensitivities to foods
- How and why to do the Elimination and Challenge test for food intolerances
- Foods containing wheat and various symptoms/ signs it can cause
- How to choose gluten- and wheat-free foods of better quality
- How to identify wheat on food labels
- What is coeliac disease, who gets it?
- How the immune system is triggered by gluten and how this may impact health
- Common symptoms associated with CD and non-coeliac gluten sensitivity (NCGS)
- Gluten-containing grains, and grains, nuts, seeds and flours that are naturally gluten free
- Problems with milk? Signs and symptoms caused by sensitivity to dairy foods
- Is it lactose sensitivity or allergy to milk protein?
- Alternative infant formulas and various ‘milks’ to try for babies and others
- Ingredients on food labels that are made from dairy
- Non-dairy foods that provide calcium
- Genuine and controversial health concerns around milk products
- Genuine and controversial health concerns around soy-based products
- Other food components or additives that can cause sensitivity reactions, including histamine, ‘nightshade’ vegetables, lectins, oxalates and sulphites.
- How unstable blood sugar can affect mood
- How insulin resistance can increase risk of dementia
- The gut-brain axis and how to support it (covered in Digestive Health for Wellness)
- Foods and nutrients to help optimise brain function and mood
- Easy ways to include brain healthy foods in the daily diet
- Foods & ingredients to consider avoiding.
- Lifestyle habits for mental health (such as stress management, exercise, daylight, sleep)
- Is food addiction a real thing? How to recognise the signs.
- Practical ways to tackle food addiction.

Student Testimonials

Certificate in Nutrition & Healthy Living Tutors:

Richard Burton,
(Hons) Nutrition
Richard founded IINH in 2002 with a mission to spread understanding of nutrition and health, and to educate, motivate and train as many people as possible to do the same. He is principal tutor for the Nutrition & Health Coaching programme.

Ciara Beaugé
BA (Hons) Psych, dip NT, mNTOI
Ciara Beaugé is a qualified Nutritional Therapist, with almost 15 years of experience working in the health and wellness industry. With her unique blend of nutrition and psychology training she provides an integrative mind-body approach to health. Ciara runs her own one to one private practice, while lecturing and creating short courses for IINH.

BSc (Hons) In Applied Human Nutrition
Petra is a nutritional therapist with a BSc (Hons) in Applied Human Nutrition and a diploma in Nutritional Therapy. Her key areas of clinical focus are women’s health, particularly digestion, mindful eating and all nutrition related health aspects of peri-menopause.

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