Pippa Dennehy

Nutrition & Health Coaching Co-ordinator

My name is Pippa, and I am part of the Coaching Support Team for the Nutrition and Health Coaching course here at IINH.

I have a background in Food Science and Business Management and joined IINH first as a student in March 23 and qualified in January 24.

Since then, I have worked successfully as a coach in the area of weight-loss, metabolic health, and sports nutrition. I since further qualified as a personal trainer and have been able to integrate this into my nutrition and fitness coaching business ‘Prepped by Pip’ alongside Cooking Demo work for artisan food stores and community groups and have even helped Maggie out with a Demo in the Health Kitchen recently which was a dream gig for me having previously sat as a student watching the master at work, a real full circle moment and a highlight of my coaching career thus far! 

I am thrilled to get to now also help other students navigate and explore a fulfilling and diverse career path in the world of nutrition and health and know that there is no better college to help you grow and enrich your learning experience, and with that said I hope you thoroughly enjoy your time with IINH. The coaching support team and I are excited to meet and get to know all of you in the coming months.

Pippa Dennehy
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